Mammographies aka mammograms are one of the most sought-after Diagnostics tests that The Hollywood Diagnosticss Center in Hollywood, Florida, offers. If your doctor has ordered you to get one, the best place to get this x-ray done is at Hollywood Diagnosticss Center in South Florida. There are many services offered at the Diagnosticss center, but this article will further explain mammograms with 3D tomo.
What is a Mammogram with 3D tomo?
A mammogram is an x-ray of the soft tissue of the breast. It is the recommended modality for the early detection of breast cancer. We offer both screening and Diagnostics mammograms. Screening mammograms are performed in individuals with no signs or symptoms of breast problems. Diagnostics mammograms are performed when signs and symptoms of breast problems are present.
Mammography aids in the early detection and diagnosis of breast cancer when it is most treatable. It makes it possible to show changes long before a provider or patient may realize there is a problem.
What You Will Expect on Day of the Exam
On the day of the exam, you will be asked to not wear any powder, lotion, perfume, deodorant, or jewelry. A gown will be provided for you to wear during the examination. During the examination, the technologist will place your breast between two plates on the imaging machine and compression will be applied for a few seconds while each image is taken. You will be asked to hold your breath and not move. You will feel some discomfort and pressure but should not experience pain. The length of the total examination is about ten to fifteen minutes. The amount of radiation involved in this type of examination is extremely low.
If you find that you need to schedule mammography, you are in good hands. Any medical imaging exam can cause worrisome feelings before and after the test. At Hollywood Diagnosticss Center, our team of dedicated, compassionate technologists want to make the experience as pleasant and stress-free as possible.
We have the latest technology and technologists who care, so you can depend on us to meet your imaging needs. To learn more about our services or schedule an appointment, contact our center today.