Phone: (954) 966-3600 | Fax: (954) 967-1962

Contact Information

Phone: (954) 966-3600

Fax: (954) 967-1962

Office Hours

Mon - Fri: 7:30AM – 8:00PM

Saturday: 8:00AM – 3:00PM

Sunday: Closed

MRI or CT Scan…Which Do You Need?

MRI or CT Scan…Which Do You Need?

There may come a time in your life where you are going to need either an MRI (High-Field & Open) or a CT Scan. This may be due to a health concern or due to an accident. If this is the case and you live in the Hollywood, Florida area, you need to consider...
Are You Looking For An MRI Near You?

Are You Looking For An MRI Near You?

Are you looking for an MRI near you in Hollywood, Florida? If so then you have come to the right place! Hollywood Diagnostics Center has been recognized as a leader in the medical Diagnosticss and imaging field while performing over 30,000 Diagnostics procedures...