Radiographs, commonly called X-rays, are images taken with invisible beams of radiation that create a picture on film, based on the different densities of the body’s structures. X-rays utilize a very low dose of radiation and are limited to the area of interest, making this an extremely safe Diagnostics tool to evaluate many parts of the body. This method of Diagnostics testing is the oldest and most frequently used. X-Rays can be used to diagnose a variety of conditions such as bowel obstruction, broken bones, emphysema, gallstones, joint dislocations, kidney stones, lung cancer, pneumonia or tuberculosis. There is no special preparation. You will most likely be asked to remove jewelry, removable dental appliances, eyeglasses and any metal objects or clothing (such as a bra with metal clips) that might interfere with the X-ray images. If you are pregnant or there is a possibility that you may be, please advise the technologist prior to any imaging.
Depending upon the area being imaged, several images may be obtained to provide a complete evaluation. The average X-ray study takes 15-20 minutes during which time you may be asked to stand or to lie down. A written report of the findings will be sent to your referring healthcare provider. All images are stored digitally. If your provider would like a copy of the images, a CD can be made for you at no cost.