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Hollywood Diagnosticss Center Helps You Prepare for Your X-Ray

Sep 27, 2021

It is a fairly common scenario. You have been ordered to get a Diagnostics X-ray. The best place to get this x-ray done is at Hollywood Diagnosticss Center in sunny South Florida. There are many services offered, but the focus here is on X-rays.

What is a Dianostic X-Ray?

An x-ray involves exposing a part of the body to a small dose of ionizing radiation to produce pictures of the inside of the body. X-rays are the oldest and most frequently used form of medical imaging. They are trusted and they produce accurate results.

Safety Tips Prior to a Diagnostics X-Ray

  • If pregnant or may be pregnant, tell your doctor or technologist.
  • Leave your valuables at home or in your room in the hospital.
  • Arrive at least fifteen minutes prior to your appointment.
  • Let us know if you need a translator.

How to Prepare for an X-Ray

  • There are no special preparations for a Diagnostics X-Ray exam.
  • The technologist will verify your identification and the exam requested.

What to Expect During an X-Ray

  • The duration of the exam will vary, but the average is about fifteen minutes.
  • The technologist will position you on the exam table, and give you instructions.
  • You will have the opportunity to ask the technologists questions.

What to Expect After an X-Ray

  • If you are going home, you may resume normal activities.


If your doctor has ordered a Diagnostics x-ray relax and take a deep breath. You are in good hands. Any medical imaging exam can cause worrisome feelings before and after the test. At Hollywood Diagnosticss Center, our team of dedicated, compassionate technologists want to make the experience as pleasant and stress-free as possible.

We have the latest technology and technologists who care, so you can depend on us to meet your imaging needs. To learn more about our services or schedule an appointment, contact our center today.